MIRROR VERSION LAST SYNC TIME: 2024-06-01 02:08 took:209.3 s.


Member profile

Guntis Pirktiņš

Guntis Pirktiņš (1971) 50+
Country : Latvia
Club: Liepaja Biedriba Liepajas Senioru sporta Klubs
Licence id: ID: 2024-5538
Head 2 head:


Points : 18.9
Position: 474 8
# Date Event title Points Position
1. 2022-11-19 [A] Baltic Cup 18.9 11


Points : 155.2
Position: 475 5
# Date Event title Points Position
1. 2023-04-29 [A] Palanga wave 48 4
2. 2022-11-19 [A] Baltic Cup 40 4
3. 2023-08-19 [A] Smš Cup 27.3 2
4. 2023-09-23 [A] The tournament is dedicated to... 21 2
5. 2024-02-10 [A] Palanga Stint 2024 18.9 11


Points : 135.6
Position: 326 1
# Date Event title Points Position
1. 2023-04-29 [A] Palanga wave 72.8 6
2. 2023-09-23 [A] The tournament is dedicated to... 32.8 12
3. 2023-08-19 [A] Smš Cup 30 8